
“The Emotions of Fashion”. Preview of the short directed by Raimondo Rossi. “Le note di un piano risuonano in noi. Risuonano come carezze, toccano quello che nessun umano può toccare. Quella parte nascosta, che dimentichiamo di avere, che la nota giusta va a risvegliare”.


“Ogni emozione, ogni gioia, ogni ansia, senza età, senza luogo, senza spazio, ogni emozione, ogni piccola emozione, ha una forza così grande, che il solo pensarlo mi commuove e mi spaventa. È giusto toccare una emozione? E se fosse rischioso? C'è chi si rifugia nel lavoro e nella sua etichetta, chi percorre lunghi sentieri spirituali, ma oltre a questi c'è di più. C'è quel mondo che possiamo solo sfiorare, quello splendido silenzioso mondo che una nota di pianoforte d'improvviso apre. Quella presenza, quell'anima. Vive con noi, vive per noi, urla silenziosa. Urla, urla in un attimo, in una nota. Poi scompare, fino alla prossima nota, l'altra nota giusta. Anche il tocco o la vista di un vestito, a chi risuona dentro, può dare emozione. Se la moda, si la moda, se solo quella grande industria, che ora chiamiamo moda, si fermasse a capire che quello che deve darci non è spettacolo, non è tessuto, non è denaro, ma è quella connessione, quella benedetta e maledetta connessione, allora si, io la ringrazierei”. (Ray Morrison)

"The notes of a piano resonate within us. They echo like caresses, touching what no human can reach. That hidden part we forget exists, which the right note awakens. Every emotion, every joy, every anxiety—timeless, placeless, spaceless. Every emotion, every small emotion, holds such immense power that merely thinking about it moves and frightens me. Is it right to touch an emotion? And what if it’s dangerous? Some find refuge in work and its labels; others walk long spiritual paths. But beyond those lies something more—a world we can only brush against, that magnificent, silent world that a single note on the piano suddenly opens. That presence, that soul. It lives with us, for us, silently screaming. It screams—screams for a moment, in a single note. Then it vanishes, until the next note, the next right note. Even the touch or sight of a garment, for those who feel it resonate within, can evoke emotion. If fashion—yes, fashion—if only that great industry we now call fashion stopped to understand that what it should offer us is not spectacle, not fabric, not money, but that connection, that blessed and cursed connection, then yes, I would thank it." (Ray Morrison)

This work represents the emotional connections that fashion can awaken in our memories and in our hearts.

WATCH THE SHORT ON YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNYfvQcnYPU

Below are the interviews from FabUK Magazine, London, Issue 8


The Art Director Ray: "As some notes of a piano can sound in our hearts, so can fashion. Regardless of age, gender, life. I decided to represent 8 emotions. When I wrote this concept, I was listening to the song "The Meadow" and that night I chose I wanted to put into images my views of love, ecstasy, dream, home and other emotions you will see on the shoots. The project manager and stylist, Linda, loved my writing and gave me a great team and big names of fashion, like Dries Van Noten, to wear the models. I asked for 4 guys, 4 girls, 1 mature man, 1 mature woman, 2 children and a kid to create the 8 images and the chosen feelings. We shot everything in one day in a beautiful location in the middle of Italy. The photographer and the team were pretty good and were nice to listen to all the requests I told them. I gave a multidisciplinary perspective to this work, mixing performances with visions that can recall Seurat or a taste of contemporary dance. Another important key of the reading is the music, you will see pianos and arpeggios. There are symbols everywhere. But I don't want to explain everything, each person will have his own perception, looking at the shots, I'll just give a title for each picture, no more explanations".

Linda, the stylist: "When Ray told me his visions, I loved them and I chose big names to wear the models. Dries Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, Gucci, Gianni Sapone Couture, Lardini, Ralph Lauren, for example. And for kids: Stussy, Jeremy Scott, Adidas and others. I decided to make Dries Van Noten meet Gianni Sapone in some images, mixing more styles to create the right balance and express the feeling we wanted to show. Even all the accessories, like necklaces, cufflinks, shoes, eyeglasses, everything chosen at a high level of brands. You will see some beautiful details, like the very special cufflinks I chose for the shoot, which Ray called "Heritage". I loved that piece. I also decided to call a video artist to film everything, but for now we can't show the video, which will reach some video art festivals".

The details of the photography are explained by the photographer, Lorenzo: "The most important thing for me was to capture what Ray and Linda were asking for, Ray for lines and emotions and Linda for colors and clothes. So I decided to use warm colors. With a little taste of retrò. This allowed me to remember the place where I was born and raised, which is the same place where we shoot everything, Umbria, in the middle of Italy. I also had to change the angles to capture the right emotions. I'll tell you a nice and crazy detail: for the shoot "Ecstasy" and the shoot "Love" Ray asked me to shoot from the top of a staircase and I was in an unstable balance on the top. My camera and his pounds left their mark: 5 days of back pain because of the position I had to keep while shooting. But now I can say that I love very much what came out of this effort".


Photographer: Lorenzo Montagnoli

Project Manager and Styling: Linda Boranga

Concept and Creative Direction: Raimondo Rossi (Ray Morrison)

Hair: Antonio e Francesco Abagnale

Make up: Graziano Giommaroni

Location: Villa di Montefreddo, Italy

Models: Andrea Catena, Andrea Borio, Rebecca Malizia, Costanza Bellucci, Gabriele Barbagallo, Luca Volpi, Lorena Cesaretti, Emma Costantini, Angelo Marziano, Manuele Costantini, Elisa Meggiolaro, Susel Leyva, Raffaele Tommaso Rossi

With the collaboration of: Gianni Sapone, Rachele Spingola, Agnese Sanchez, Erina Amari, Marianna Raichini, Marta Picottini, Fausto Eusebi, Federica Cupella, Micol Antonielli, Diego Sciurpa, Romina @sartoria_floreale @redandysartoria @alessi.alessi @lucianofochini_zero43 @uberto_cantarelli @rosealforno @4uppermodels @ottica2m @andrea_cantarelli @subura38







